Advanced Professional Training

Váňův statek, from May the 1th to May the 11th 2025

Podrobnosti kurzu


2th May - 11th May 2024


Váňův statek, Dubovice 28, 393 01 Pelhřimov


Mgr. Denisa Říha Palečková
Ing. Richard Vojík

Price: CZK 44,000

This price includes:
• lectures
• access to the online forum – a platform for tasks involving students’ communication
• supervision and support from the teachers during the home study part, as well as before and after the residential intensive training.

This price does not include meals and accommodation at the Residential Intensive Training (CZK 11, 520 for full board and a room with a shared bathroom, or CZK 12, 240 for full board and a room with a private bathroom, or CZK 12, 960 for full board and a double room with a private bathroom).
It does not include books and fees for phone calls and conference calls either.


Thank you for your interest in CORE TOUCH® II training and we appreciate your effort to gain a wider education in the area of humam body and intimacy. It is a unique training and we are glad that we can support the positive life change of hundreds of people by that.

We would like to know better our future students so as we can support them in a best way. Therefore we would like to ask you to tell us:

 1/ What is your experience so far in the area of bodywork and human sexuality, if you have any? Do you have any experiences in this area? What and how long do you practice?

2/ How many hours/days took your trainings so far and what was the content of them? Who was your teacher/lecturer?

3/ What motivates you to enter the  CORE TOUCH® II training?

4/ What is your aim, what is your vision and your wish - what do you await after the training? How should your life look like after the training - in both personal and professional level?

Please send your answers to [email protected] and copy to [email protected]. Denisa can also answer your questions regarding the training.

This training is organized by:

Pavel Říha
Hejtmanská 190/24, 198 00 Praha 9
IČO: 63099934